Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Characters - part 1

Name : Yoda (aka Princess)

Age : 7

Position : Undisputed leader of the pack and guard cat

Likes : BBQ chicken, playing with live mice, walking into strange houses, sleeping in cars, making out with dogs.

Dislikes : Cats.

Description : The smallest member of the household with the bossiest attitude. Can often be found lounging on a sun drenched rock guarding the yard from stray cats. Likes to greet every dog that comes past like a benevolent godfather. Plans to recruit them into her army when she finally stops napping long enough to put into play her plans for ruling the world. Brave as a lion, other cats scatter when she appears. Once saved a handbag dog when it was attacked by a large stray, much to the surprise and gratitude of it's owner, but she'd rather you kept that quiet. Spends her evenings sleeping on under the central heating vent and pretending Turk does not exist.

Getting my photos onto flickr was easier than I expected!

Stay tuned......

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

In the beginning......

A dog thinks 'Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me a nice warm, dry house, pet me and take good care of me.....they must be Gods!'
A cat thinks 'Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me a nice warm, dry house, pet me and take good care of me.....I must be a God!'

Blogg creation sucessful, stay tuned for more silliness................